PRN Matériaux Bio-Inspirés

Le Pôle de recherche national (PRN) Matériaux Bio-Inspirés est basé à l'Université de Fribourg. Ce centre interdisciplinaire est un centre de recherche de pointe, d'innovation et d'éducation internationalement reconnu dans le domaine des matériaux "intelligents", dont la conception et la fonction s'inspirent de la nature.


Turning bacteria into cellulose-producing mini-factories

NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials researchers at ETHZ have modified bacteria with UV light to produce more cellulose. The basis for this is a new approach, which generates thousands of bacterial variants and…

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Unlocking the secrets of nanoscale networks

An international team of researchers, including from the NCCR Bio-Inspired Materials, has used advanced imaging techniques to achieve a high-resolution three-dimensional visualization of topological defects…

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Membrane technology innovation could impact multiple industries

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